07 November 2005


Lately, in addition to moving, I've been preparing myself for my program with the 10th annual Spirit & Place Festival this Friday from 7-9PM at North United Methodist Church. It's called The Pulpit Meets The Underground: Transformational Moments in Mainstream and Independent Film. The festival's official description of this little shindig is as follows:

View film clips of transformational moments and symbols, then discuss their meaning. Discussion will explore how images & dialogue speak to the movement themes of understanding life as a journey and of blurring boundaries between the sacred and the profane. Rev. Max Case of Café Cinema at St. Luke’s UMC and Chad Richards of Glitch / Indianapolis Underground Film Festival will lead participants into the inner workings of the films and their deeper messages. Clips will be drawn from Richards’ locally produced Coming to My Senses and mainstream works like Cast Away and Shawshank Redemption.

It'll be interesting for this lapsed-Catholic to have a discussion with a Methodist minister. I was unsure when first approached with the concept, but Max is an amazing fellow and to hear him discuss cinema is inspiring. This Tuesday he is also leading a discussion with Hotel Rwanda protaganist Paul Ruseabagina that I'm looking forward to as well. The "Rev" loves film on a level I'd never considered before really. I can only pray that I don't come off like a complete idiot (which is never hard for me to do.)


Anonymous said...

I'd love to attend, but I'm not pretty enough to. Is that still one of the rules of being in the 'Chad' club; that I have to be good looking enough to be involved? Or did that 'rule' get thrown out when the Commune died?

Shane M. White said...

Wow, someone is really bitter towards Chad. Hopefully, one day, this person realizes that people change with time, and it's about time for them to grow up and stop attempting petty fights with people.

I spoke my mind.

Besides that, GOOD LUCK with the project Chad! I hope it all goes well. I wish I could attend, but I have a wedding to film that night. GOOD LUCK! Hopefully, sometime in the future there will be another Film Festival in Indy that we can all be a part of, and screen our works for people to see, and stop complaining about.

Anonymous said...

It's funny... why would someone so notoriously dastardly have a public forum in which nearly all feedback shows the truly horrible side of that person? I think you need to take inventory of your life and discover what it means to have character. What if your parents saw all these terrible things being said about you? What if your grandparents saw it? Do you think they would be proud?

Shane M. White said...

Wow, someone is really bitter towards Chad. Hopefully, one day, this person realizes that people change with time, and it's about time for them to grow up and stop attempting petty fights with people.

Well, it seems to be more than 1 person there, Shane. While at present, you act as a proponent for Mr. Richards, eventually he will leave you in a wake of bitter distrust, much like the many, many others which have posted to this blog. I wish this wasn't the case, but unfortunately Chad has a personal agenda that has no time for real friendships, honesty, morals, or a sense of decency.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head there, buddy. His reputation precedes him well for he is known by what he does. Actions speak louder than words.

Shane says I am picking fights... no, in fact, I am calling an Ace and Ace, and a Spaid a Spaid. Like everyone else he has dealt with, he'll (Chad) never respond to this, so there won't be any fighting. He reads these words, and knows what he is. I wonder what Joel Umbaugh would say if we asked him?

Anyone who discriminates against people (wanting to join the 'dead' Film Commune) based solely on their looks is a loser in my opinion.

Anonymous said...


Chad Richards said...

If I am the Devil incarnate, then that should make for a REALLY interesting conversation with the minister tomorrow night at my screening! So please do come (I don't even care if you're ugly).

Shane M. White said...

For the record, "Spaid" is actually "Spade". I'm glad someone of such high intelligence is making comments...

Anonymous said...

Oh, my bitter bitter bitter! A case of sour grapes perhaps? Definitely the posting of an immature person. Grow up "anonymous" and try doing something more productive! Show us what you're doing for the Indy indie film community.
An Older More Mature Independent Film Devotee